Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thursday - Mushroom Ragout with Pasta

Today my husband had his wisdom teeth removed. You wouldn't think taking care of one person for one day would be that big of a deal. But geez! I'm beat! I mean don't get me wrong, he was a trouper...I just have no idea how mom's do it!!!

Tonight for My dinner, I had a mushroom ragout with pasta. The pasta I bought at TJMax, its swirled with many colors, very pretty. If you like mushrooms you will love this recipe. The mushrooms with the tomato sauce makes this a definite comfort food. Simple and pretty quick, great for a rainy day or maybe a nice way to treat yourself after taking care of someone all day long.

For my husbands dinner tonight, he had Alton Brown's Creamy Garlic Mash Potatoes. Man, this was a down fall for my diet. So good and sometimes you just need to treat yourself. Oh and my husband didn't taste much, he said his tongue is still numb.

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