Saturday, January 1, 2011

Its a New Year, but the same old story....

I recently read in an article that, on average, people put on at least five pounds from Thanksgiving to New Years. My husband and I would be included in that average. Unfortunately for my him, when I fall off the wagon, so does he (since I do the majority of the cooking). And like me, he loves to eat.

It's a new year, so it is time for us the restart our engines and get rid of our bad habits. Here are my New Year Resolutions:

1. Back to the Gym

Cardio and lifting weights, you can't have one without the other. I have learned this the hard way. I always try to go for 3 days with cardio and 3 days of weight lifting, there are definitely weeks that I don't do that. No biggie, I just start again. The goal isn't to be perfect, but to keep moving.

2. Back to Eating Healthy

We love food, I mean LOVE. We eat pretty healthy when we eat at home, but the amount we eat is pretty impressive! The trick I have found is to meal plan and portion control.

Starting this week, we will be back at the gym and eating better. This is the year that we stay on top of it.

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